1. Cancer And Its Relevance With Other Diseases
- Circulating microRNAs
- Death from cancer and death from other causes
3. Advances In Cancer Research And Treatment
- Session chair: Rossana Berardi, Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
5. Cancer Immunology & Immunotherapy
- Tumor immunology
- Immuno oncology
- Regulators and biomarkers of immunotherapy response
7. DNA Damage, Mutation and Cancer
- Oxidative DNA damage in man
- UV-induced DNA damage
- p53 mutations in human cancers
9. Clinical and Medical Case Reports
- Lymphoma and leukemia
- Managing clinical knowledge
- Germ cell tumor
11. Cancer Pathology And Genetics
- Session chair: Atif A. Ahmed, Children's Mercy Hospitals and Clinics, USA
13. Surgical And Clinical Oncology
- Melanoma surgery
- Gall bladder oncology
- True personalized medicine in oncology
- Gynaecologic oncology
15. Cancer Nanotechnology
- Session chair: Jianhua Luo, University of Pittsburgh, USA
17. Alternative Medicine for Cancer
19. Nutrition And Metabolism
- Diet induced thermogenesis
- Fructose, insulin resistance, and metabolic dyslipidemia
- Society for clinical nutrition and metabolism
21. MicroRNA and Cancer
- MicroRNAs as markers for drug toxicity
- MicroRNAs in cancer diagnostics and personalized medicine
- Technologies for studying Non-coding RNAs
23. Oncology Nursing Care
- Cancer nursing partnership
- Assisting in cancer care
- Pediatric hematology oncology nursing
25. Radiation Oncology
- Session chairs: Jozef Sabol, Department of Crisia Management, PACR, Czech Republic
Boguslaw Maciejewski, Cancer Center-MSC Memorial Institute, Poland
27. Paediatric Oncology
- Paediatric palliative care
- Psychosocial care of paediatric oncology
- Paediatric haematology
29. Chemotherapy
- Combination chemotherapy
- Neoadjuvant
- Adjuvant chemotherapy
- Chemotherapy regimens
- Cytoxic chemotherapy
31. COVID-19 Infection in Cancer Patients
33. Cancer Patient Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic